Cosmetic Fillings in Scottsdale

Cosmetic Fillings in ScottsdaleAlmost everyone will experience getting a dental filling at some point. The most common reason for needing this dental procedure is the development of a cavity, which is the result of tooth decay. Some common symptoms of a cavity include, but are not limited to the following:

  • A toothache or sensitivity
  • Pain when eating, drinking (particularly hot, cold or sweet things)
  • Discomfort when biting

If you have any of these symptoms, you might have a cavity that requires a filling. At Dental Studio 101, we pride ourselves on our ability to make you feel comfortable and at ease during every procedure. Most of our patients experience very little discomfort during a standard cosmetic filling procedure.

Safety & Durability

Due to recent scientific discoveries, it is important to understand the kind of material being used by your dentist. For years Dentists have used amalgam material for dental fillings. However, amalgam is not as strong or durable as materials available today and we now know that the mercury found in amalgam is potentially toxic.

For the safety of our patients, we use only white composite fillings. If you currently have or have recently gotten amalgam, which may also be called silver fillings, contact us today regarding replacing them with this safer, more advanced material.

White composite fillings offer many advantages over amalgam fillings. Besides being free of potentially harmful materials like mercury, they bond more strongly to your tooth, which means they are more likely to last longer.

Other Advantages

The color of the composite material can be matched to your tooth’s natural color, allowing it to blend in and look natural.

Composite materials bond directly to your natural tooth, making your tooth stronger.

White fillings do not require as large of a hole to be drilled into your tooth. This means less drilling for you, and more of your natural tooth remains, which allows your tooth to be stronger than it would with amalgam.

More natural sensations in your composite-filled teeth, meaning there is less of that hot and cold sensitivity that many people experience with amalgam fillings.

Composite-filled TeethDaily Care

White fillings require basically the same care as you already give to your teeth. Proper brushing and flossing habits will help ensure that your new cosmetic fillings will last a long time.

The Next Step

Contact us to schedule a consultation to determine if white fillings are right for you. Our highly advanced dental spa located in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona offers you a relaxed setting with the ultimate in care and personalized attention. Schedule an appointment today!


The staff at Dental Studio 101 is kind, compassionate and highly educated, and are here to help you through every step of your appointment.


FAQs About Cosmetic Fillings In Scottsdale

  • What are cosmetic fillings?

    Cosmetic fillings, also known as composite dental fillings, are a type of tooth-colored filling used to repair cavities, chips, or cracks in teeth. Unlike traditional metal fillings, cosmetic fillings are designed to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, making them an excellent choice for those who want a more aesthetic solution. These fillings are also used in teeth bonding procedures to enhance the appearance of your smile by filling in gaps, reshaping teeth, or correcting minor imperfections.

  • What materials are used in cosmetic fillings?

    Cosmetic fillings are typically made from a blend of high-quality composite resins. These materials are specially formulated to mimic the natural color and translucency of your teeth, providing a nearly invisible restoration. The composite resin used in these fillings is not only durable but also flexible, allowing it to bond effectively with the tooth structure during the dental bonding process.

  • How do cosmetic fillings differ from traditional fillings?

    Cosmetic fillings differ from traditional fillings primarily in their material and appearance. Traditional fillings, often made from metals like silver amalgam, are durable but highly visible, making them less appealing for those concerned with aesthetics. In contrast, Dental Studio 101’s cosmetic fillings in Scottsdale use composite resin, which can be color-matched to your natural teeth. This means they are virtually undetectable, providing a more attractive and natural-looking solution.

  • What are the benefits of cosmetic fillings?

    Cosmetic fillings offer several benefits, including a natural appearance, durability, and versatility. Because they are designed to match the color of your teeth, they blend in seamlessly, making them ideal for visible areas of the mouth. Additionally, composite dental fillings bond directly to the tooth structure, providing added strength and support. This reduces the risk of the filling coming loose or the tooth breaking. The materials used in cosmetic fillings are also resistant to temperature changes, minimizing the likelihood of expansion and contraction that can weaken the tooth over time.

  • How long do cosmetic fillings last?

    Cosmetic fillings can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years or more, depending on the quality of the materials used, the location of the filling, and your oral hygiene practices. Composite dental fillings are durable and designed to withstand the pressures of daily biting and chewing. However, like all dental restorations, they are not permanent and may eventually need to be replaced.

  • Is the procedure for getting a cosmetic filling painful?

    Cosmetic filling is generally not painful. The dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb the area, ensuring you remain comfortable throughout the process. The composite dental filling is then carefully applied in layers and hardened using a special light. Most patients report little to no discomfort during the procedure, and any post-treatment sensitivity is usually mild and temporary.

  • Can cosmetic fillings be used to replace old metal fillings?

    Yes, cosmetic fillings can be used to replace old metal fillings. Many patients choose to upgrade their metal fillings to composite dental fillings for a more natural look. The process involves removing the old metal filling and carefully placing a composite filling in its place. This not only improves the appearance of your teeth but also eliminates any potential concerns related to metal sensitivity.

  • Can cosmetic fillings stain or discolor over time?

    While cosmetic fillings are resistant to staining, they are not entirely immune to discoloration. Factors such as your diet, oral hygiene habits, and lifestyle choices can affect the appearance of your fillings over time. However, composite dental fillings are generally more resistant to stains than natural teeth.